The California Condors
as they soar over and perch on the cliff rocks at the South rim of the Grand Canyon
POSTED 12-21-2010
Don't waist your time trying to contact the Peregrindfund about the Condors.
Their web site is many years old & out dated.
In my talks with them I do not believe they are going to up date it.
I have found them to be very hostile towards giving information to the public.
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![]() I am glad you came to view the Condors |
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This page up-dated as of
If you have come directly from the WEB you may want to visit the rest of my site if so click on the HOME link below
Below is a list of wing tag numbers that almost every Condor has attached to its wing radio trnamitter.
I have made each number a link so that you can view the Condor. There's much other information
about each Condor as to sex, age, where hatched, who the parents are.
As you walk along the walkway on the South rim you may encounter a person waving a small TV like antenna.
He/she is tracking or trying to locate the Condors via the radio signal their radio transmitter is broadcasting.
It is in this way the Pergrine Fund can keep track of where all of the Condors are each and every day.
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You can ask these folks just about any question you want about the Condors
and they will take the time to give you a very comprehensive and complete answer.
This Condor tracker (as they are called) Chris is no longer with the Condor project.
Here is some of the information he/"Chris" told me.
The California Condor is one of the most endangered birds.
The Condor is is about 40 to 50 inches head to tail.
Wingspan is approx. 9 &1/2 feet.
They weigh approx. 15 to 23 pounds.
As recently as the early 1800s, the California Condor occupied mountains along
the Pacific coast from British Columbia to northern Baja California.
The Condors diet consists of medium and large-sized dead mammals
in any state of decay. Condors may travel several hundred miles in search of food.
Condors nest in a cave or on a cliff or hillside.
The female will lay the single egg directly on the floor of the cave.
The egg is incubated for 54 - 58 days.
Condors usually become sexually mature at 6 years of age.
The name comes from the Greek word gymnast, meaning naked,
and refers to the head; gyps is Greek for a vulture;
and the Latinized word for California indicates the birds range.
The name condor is from the Spanish word cuntur,
and is the Inca name given to the Andean Condor.
California Condors have also been called a California Vulture.
Looking out over the canyon I can see a Condor coming our way, let's see if I can get a photo of it.
Photo taken looking north while standing on the walk way just out side the Bright Angel lodge entrance.
Listed in numerical order by their wing TAG NUMBER.
This is the number you see attached to their wings along with the radio transmitter.
Please CLICK on the wing tag numbers to view the Condor.
Up dated as of September 16, 2006 one year from my last up date.
I believe there are now over 55 flying wild in the Grand Canyon area.
Who really knows, everyone I talk to has a differant number
Be sure to look at the end of this list for more Condor links.
- This maeans I have added new images per the date indicated
This means I have added a new Condor to the list.
*** The latest Condor release into the wild from the Vermilion Cliffs Arizona. March 2, 2006.
6 birds were releasted, 3 females and 3 male Condors. Wing tag numbers, 32 male, 41 female,79 male,37 male, 54 female, A5 female.
Condor headquarters put on line 7/9/2007
Tourist watch the sun set at the Grand Canyon so why can't the Condors do the same. 3 Condors watching the sun set.
Court-ship ritual photos never before photographed in the wild.
No number or I can't read the number on the wing tag of the condors, also groups of condors
watch for symbols a head or after the birds wing tag number.
such as plus or minus and or letters
Put on line 08/18/07
PUT ON LINE 7/30/07
The Condor and the Raven 08/18/08
-0 - 2 years old in 06. Hatched 05/22/04 in the wild. Parents #119 & #122 Nest was in Battleship rock at Hopi point. Fledged Thanksgiving day 2004 - Tagged Oct. 25, 2005.
02-- 302 4 year old female pupet raised in captivity
03-Condor 203---A male, hatched at the World Center for Birds of Prey on April 23, 1999. Condor 203 was captured on April 4, 2000 for behavioral problems. He was transferred to the Vermilion Cliffs site on January 30, 2001 and re-released there on March 12, 2001.
New images of 03 & 66 at the water pipe 7/15/07
New imges of #03 alone and with #4-07/15/07
3--Condor 223--A male, hatched at the World Center for Birds of Prey on April 18, 2000. Released on December 29, 2000.
New images as 10/17/2007 HANGE DOW YOUR HEAD AND CRY.
04-- Male hatched 04/24/03
4--Condor 234--A female, hatched at the World Center for Birds of Prey on May 11, 2000. Released on December 29, 2000.
4 and 3 together 7/26/07 - mages as of 10/16/2007
6--276 Male condor hatched 04/18/02
-6 Female 04/10/03
(07/29/07) C6 - 366 - -2 year old female Puppet raised in captivety
7--Condor 227--A male, hatched at the World Center for Birds of Prey on April 28, 2000. Released on December 29, 2000.
C7 A 2 year old male
Number 8
The Ghost Condor
In The Sky Over the South Rim
of the Grand Canyon
Can't find out any thing about it.
Sorry no fotos yet
9--249 Male condor hatched 05/09/01
10--Condor 210--A female, hatched at the World center for Birds of Prey on May 23, 1999. Released on December 29, 2000.
New images as of 7/15/07
Sorry no fotos yet
14--Condor 114--A male, hatched at the San Diego Wild Animal Park on April 9, 1995. He was fathered by Paxa and mothered by Almiyi.
16 -- 2 years old in 2005 Female
New images of 16-97&-0 07/15/07/
19--Condor 119--A female, hatched at the San Diego Wild Animal Park on March 15, 1995. She was fathered by AC-2 and mothered by Inaja.
Inasmuch as the Condor people The Peregrine Fund
won't put on their web site that Condor 19 or 119 has died of lead poisioning, I am putting it here.
Why do they even have a web site for the public to go when it's years out-dated.
22--Condor 122--A male, hatched at the Los Angeles Zoo on May 17, 1995. She was fathered by AC-9 and mothered by Squapuni.
New images 07-26-07 of 22 & 27
23--Condor 123--A male, hatched at the Los Angeles Zoo on May 20, 1995. He was fathered by Kaweah and mothered by Anyapa.
New images as of 07/26/07
Sorry no fotos yet
24--Condor 224--A female, hatched at the World Center for Birds of Prey on April 18, 2000. Released on December 29, 2000.
26--Condor 126--A female, hatched on May 2, 1995 at the San Diego Wild Animal Park. She was fathered by Nojoqui and mothered by Molloko. She was returned to captivity due to attraction to humans.
27--Condor 127--A female, hatched at the San Diego Wild Animal Park on March 31, 1995. She was fathered by Xolxol and mothered by Ojai.
images as of 10/17/2007
29 - 329 - A 3 year old Male puppet raised in captivity
on line 7/27/07
32--232 Male condor hatched 04/30/00
33--Condor 133--A female, hatched at Los Angeles Zoo on May 22, 1996. Her father, Mandam, hatched in captivity in 1989 at the San Diego Wild Animal Park and was the second condor to hatch in captivity from parents that bred in captivity. Her mother, Tama, was captured from the wild as an adult in 1985, after permission was given to trap three of the remaining nine condors still in the wild.
34--Condor 134--A male, hatched at the San Diego Wild Animal Park on April 2, 1996.
Sorry no fotos yet
35--Condor 235--A female, hatched at the World Center for Birds of Prey. Released on December 29, 2000.
05/25/07 36 and 87 copulating
36--Condor 136--A female, hatched at the Los Angeles Zoo on May 12, 1996. Her father, AC-6, was captured from the wild as an adult in 1986, after permission was given to capture the last six remaining condors in the wild in order to save the species. Her mother, Pismo, was brought in from the wild in 1984 as a young chick. She was one of the original group of chicks and eggs brought in from the wild to begin the captive breeding program in the early eighties.
37 - No information as of yet if the head is black the bird is under 5 years old.
07/29/07 It's 3 year old male
41--241 Female condor hatched 04/13/01
41 takes a trip to town 08/27/05
42-- Male Condor - Hatched 05/10/04 - Fledged 11/23/04 in the wild. Parents #149 male & 114 female. #149 has since died.
43--243 Male condor hatched 04/22/01
46--246 Male condor hatched 04/29/01
48--248 Female condor hatched 05/08/01
49--Condor 149 A male, is the oldest of the six condors. He hatched at Los Angeles Zoo on May 7, 1996. His father, AC-9, was the last free-flying condor captured from the wild on Easter Sunday, April 19, 1987. His mother, Squapuni, was brought in from the wild in 1984 as an egg and hatched at the San Diego Zoo. She was one of the original group of chicks and eggs brought in from the wild to begin the captive breeding program in the early eighties.
50--250 Male condor hatched 04/09/01
52 - Female 2 years old. Hatched 05/29/04 at the Peregrine Fund's World Center for Birds of Prey in Boise, Idaho. Fledged 03/01/05.
New images as of 7/15/07 One more very nice foto of #52 posted 11/17/07
53--253 Female condor hatched 05/11/01
55 Big Sur California Condor by Melaie Endsley 05-07
57--257 Male condor hatched 05/20/01
Sorry no fotos yet
58--Condor 158--A male, hatched at the San Diego Wild Animal Park on April 7, 1997. He was fathered by AC-4 and mothered by Sespe.
Sorry no fotos yet
60-- Male condor hatched 03/30/91
62--Condor 162--A male, hatched at the Los Angeles Zoo on April 14, 1997. He was fathered by Kaweah and mothered by Anyapa.
A 4 year old male hatched at San Diego Wild Animal Park 03/28/02 Releast in California but recaptured for landing on power poles, releast again fron the Vermilion Cliffs Arizona 01/19/06
More new images as of 10/22/07 (97 and 66) give us a little kiss will-ya
Number 67
A nother Ghost Condor
In The Sky Over the South Rim
of the Grand Canyon
Can't find out anything about it
Sorry no fotos yet
70--Female hatched 05/25/91
72--Male condor hatched 04/12/02
73--273 Male condor hatched 04/23/02
A few new images as of 10/16/2007
10/23/07 - 73 and minus 3 have it out on Diving Board Rock.
74--274 Male condor hatched 04/21/02
New images as of 7/18/07 of 74 & 16
New images as of 7/18/07 of 74 & 87
Sorry no fotos yet
75--275 Male condor hatched 04/22/02
76--Condor 176--A female, hatched at The Peregrine Fund's World Center for Birds of Prey on March 19, 1998.
80--280 Female condor hatched 05/03/02
81--281 Female condor hatched 05/04/02
82--282 male condor hatched 05/05/02 03-28-09
84 Big Sur California Condor by Melaie Endsley 05-07
this is an error
86-Condor 186---A male, hatched at the Los Angeles Zoo on April 15, 1998. Condor 186 was captured in April 1999 and re-released on December 29, 2000 at the Vermilion Cliffs. Condor 186 was shot and killed in September 2002.
87--Condor 187--A male, hatched at The Peregrine Fund's World Center for Birds of Prey on April 22, 1998.
more new images 08-18-08-08
(07/29/07) 89 389 - 2 year old female Vermiliom Cliffs wild hatch
Sorry no fotos yet
93--Condor 193--A male, hatched at The Peregrine Fund's World Center for Birds of Prey on May 30, 1998.
New images as of 7/15/07
(7/29/07) 95-- condor 195 Female hatched 02/19/99-released 02/26/02
Sorry no fotos yet
96--Condor 196--A female, hatched at the San Diego Wild Animal Park on March 20, 1999. Condor 196 was captured on April 14, 2000 for behavioral problems. She was transferred to the Vermilion Cliffs site on January 30, 2001 and re-released there on March 12, 2001.
(07-29-07) 97 - 297 A 4 year old female Puppet raised in captivity
97 & 66 doin a little kiss face.
98--Condor 198--A male, hatched at the San Diego Wild Animal Park on March 31, 1999. Condor 198 was captured on April 3, 2000 for behavioral problems. He was transferred to the Vermilion Cliffs site on January 30, 2001 and re-released there on March 12, 2001.
99-- Condor 299 Male hatched 04/17/03
10/23/07 a few new images of 99 and 3 on Diving board rock.
350 11/27/04 Fledged 2004 Thanksgiving day.
No wing tag but it will a black head inasmuch as its a very young bird.
I believe it is now taged -0
392 - will have wing tag #92 if & when they decide to tag it. Sex unknown at thios time. Hatched in the wild at the Grand Canyon near Salt Creek. 06/05/05, fledged Dec. 22 or 23 Parents are 123 male & 127 female.
158 Condor has no wing tag number its a Male hatched 04/07/97 inasmuch as it 7 years old it will have a red head
Sorry no fotos yet
347 Condor according to the Peregrine Fund Stud book does not have a wing tag number yet. It's a Male hatched 05/17/04
Possibly you have looked but could not find or see any Condors??
The nest cave where #350 was hatched and raised untill it fledged Thanksgiving Day 2004
A Condor Fish Story & a few other Condor photos
Free Bird. The Condor release site at the Vermilion Cliffs Arizona
California Condors in the wild in AZ/UT by Tag #
As of 12/17/10: 74 wild condors in AZ/UT
Birds currently in captivity or of unknown status in italics, breeding or formerly breeding birds & wild-hatched birds in bold.
Tag# SB# Age
in '10 Sex Bred
At: Hatch
Date Released
/Fledged Rear
-ing Nesting history, additional points of interest
Note: 210F/10 means female with studbook number 210 & tag 10
None 114 15 M SDWAP 4/9/95 5/26/97 Puppet '10: fledged 558/tagless w/126F/26 in usual VC cave. '09: fledged 515 (who died late winter). '08: 2 eggs w/ 126 -1st broke; 2nd never hatched. '07: w/ 126 fledged 459M/59. '05: w/ 126, fledged 389F/89. '04: w/ 149F (who died in March '06), fledged 342M/42.
None 558 0 ? VC 4/12/10 10/20/10 Wild Chick of 114M/tagless & 126F/26. As of 12/17/10 doing well, starting to mingle with others at release site. Not yet captured/tested/vaccinated/tagged.
A3 343 6 F WCBP 5/13/04 10/12/05 Foster
A4 334 6 M WCBP 4/23/04 9/12/06 Puppet
A6 346 6 F WCBP 5/17/04 10/12/05 Parent
A9 349 6 M WCBP 5/22/04 3/1/05 Foster
C1 381 5 F WCBP 5/10/05 3/15/08 Puppet
C4 393 5 F WCBP 6/9/05 2/14/09 Foster
C6 366 5 F WCBP 4/16/05 3/3/07 Puppet
C7 387 5 M WCBP 5/21/05 9/12/06 Foster
E3 423 4 M LAZ 5/24/06 10/7/07 Parent
F1 441 3 M TapeatsCr ?4/28/07 By 10/24/07 Wild Chick of 134M/34 & 210F/10. Tagged 4/20/08.
F2 442 3 F WCBP 4/30/07 3/6/10 Foster Recaptured after a few days in wild, roosting on ground. Re-released 9/25/10.
F5 453 3 F LAZ 7/27/07 5/20/09 Foster
H4 466 2 M WCBP 4/9/08 11/2/09 Parent
H6 476 2 M Grandeur ?4/21/08 ?9/24/08 Wild Grandeur Point chick of 133F/33 & 187M/87. Captured and tagged June '09.
J2 520 1 M SDWAP 4/27/09 11/26/10 Parent
J7 537 1 F LAZ 5/23/09 11/26/10 Puppet Sired by Topatopa, then 43 years old. Mother Malibu, 24.
-7 287 8 M SDWAP 5/17/02 12/20/03
Pinnacles Parent Released in CA, recaptured (behavior), released 8/9/05 at VC.
-6 296 7 F WCBP 4/10/03 3/20/04 Puppet '10: failed nest w/ 162M/62 in VC.
-4 314 7 F WCBP 5/15/03 2/4/05 Puppet
-3 293 7 M WCBP 4/4/03 10/16/04 Puppet
-0 350 6 M Battleship ?5/22/04 11/25/04 Wild Wild chick of 119F (who died of lead 12/06) & 122M/22. Raised in Battleship nest visible from Hopi Pt. Tagged 10/25/05. Grandson of AC-9 through 122.
02 302 7 F WCBP 4/21/03 2/4/05 Puppet
03 203 11 M WCBP 4/23/99 12/7/99
Hurricane Puppet Siblings 210F/10, 243M/43 & 297F/97.
3 223 10 M WCBP 4/18/00 12/29/00 Puppet '10,'09, '08 & '07 (all failed nests): See 253F/53. Brother to 187M/87.
4 234 10 M WCBP 5/11/00 12/29/00 Puppet '09 & '08 (failed nests): See 280F/80.
9 409 4 F SDWAP 4/23/06 11/7/08 Foster
10 210 11 F WCBP 5/23/99 12/29/00 Puppet '10: suspected nest near Tapeats Creek w/122M/22, never confirmed, presumed to have failed. '09: chick 527 (never fledged) near Tapeats w/122, 134M having disappeared the previous winter. '07: fledged 441M/F1 w/134M in different cave, same area. Siblings 203M/03, 243M/43 & 297F/97.
13 413 4 M SDWAP 9/25/10 9/25/10 Parent At WCBP all 2009 & most of '10 following beak injury prior to planned release.
16 316 7 F WCBP 5/19/03 10/16/04 Puppet '10: Courted some by 123M/23 & 187M/87 (while 133 in PHX) but no nest.
20 420 4 M Portland 5/13/06 3/15/08 Puppet
22 122 15 M LAZ 5/17/95 5/26/97 Puppet '10 & '09: see 210F/10. '06: nest w/119F failed when he was treated for lead poisoning at PHX Zoo 3/25/06-10/19/06. 119 died of lead poisoning in Dec '06. '04: sired Battleship chick 350M/-0 with 119F. Father is AC-9.
23 123 15 M LAZ 5/20/95 5/26/97 Puppet '10: Unmated after recent death of 127F/27 of lead. '08: fledged 472F/H2 (died of lead) in Salt Creek. '07: suspected egg in Dana Butte cave, failed. '05: sired 392M/92 in Salt Creek, '03: fledged 305M (died) in same cave.
26 126 15 F SDWAP 5/2/95 5/26/97 Puppet '10, '09, '08, '07 & '05: See 114M/tagless at top of chart.
31 331 6 M WCBP 4/19/04 3/1/05 Puppet
33 133 14 F LAZ 5/22/96 12/12/96 Parent Missed breeding '10 to be treated for lead poisoning from 1/5/10 to 4/24/10. '08: see 187M/87. '07-'04: see 158M/none. Last survivor of 1st AZ release.
35 435 3 M Portland 4/15/07 9/25/10 Parent
37 337 6 M WCBP 4/30/04 3/2/06 Foster
41 241 9 F WCBP 4/13/01 12/9/02 Puppet '10: failed nest on east Kaibab Plateau with 193M/93 AND 243M/43.
'08: Courted by 193M/93, but no known nest.
42 342 6 M VC ?5/10/04 11/23/04 Wild Wild chick of 149F-now dead-& 114M/tagless, 1st VC chick. Mother 149 was sired by AC-9.
43 243 9 M WCBP 4/22/01 2/16/02 Puppet '10: failed nest; see 241F/41. Siblings 203M/03, 210F/10 & 297F/97.
46 246 9 M WCBP 4/29/01 2/16/02 Parent
47 447 3 F Portland 5/6/07 3/7/09 Foster
52 352 6 F WCBP 5/29/04 3/1/05 Foster
53 253 9 F WCBP 5/11/01 9/25/02 Puppet '10: failed nest w/223M/3 in Marble Canyon.'09: 2 failed nests w/223 same area.'08: courted by 223, but no nest. '07: suspected egg w/ 223, nest failed.
54 354 6 M WCBP 6/13/04 3/2/06 Puppet
55 455 3 F Portland 5/30/07 3/7/09 Puppet
57 257 9 M WCBP 5/20/01 9/25/02 Parent
58 158 13 M SDWAP 4/7/97 11/20/97 Puppet '10: failed nest w/195F on N. Kaibab. '09 & '08: Failed nest w/ 195 in VC. '07: eggs w/ 133F/33 (confirmed) AND w/ 195 (suspected) in 2 different caves, both failed. Unmated since 195F found dead 9/18/10.
59 459 3 M VC 6/6/07 By end Nov '07 Wild 3rd VC chick, of 114M/tagless & 126F/26. Tagged 4/21/08.
62 162 13 M LAZ 4/14/97 11/20/97 Puppet '10: failed nest w/ 296F/-6 in VC. '09: unpaired. '08-suspected egg w/ 281F in March, failed after 7 days. 281 died later that spring of zinc toxicosis from ingested coins.
65 265 8 M SDWAP 3/9/02 1/5/04
Pinnacles Puppet Originally released in CA, recaptured for behavior; released at VC on 10/7/07.
66 266 8 M SDWAP 3/28/02 1/5/04
Pinnacles Puppet Originally released in CA, recaptured for behavior; released at VC on 5/25/05.
67 367 5 F Portland 4/18/05 3/15/08 Foster
68 368 5 F WCBP 4/18/05 3/3/07 Puppet
70 270 8 M SDWAP 4/10/02 11/5/04
Pinnacles Parent Originally released in CA, recaptured for behavior, released at VC on 8/19/05.
71 371 5 M WCBP 4/26/05 9/12/06 Foster
72 272 8 M WCBP 4/12/02 3/3/03 Parent
73 273 8 M WCBP 4/18/02 11/29/03 Puppet
74 274 8 M WCBP 4/21/02 3/3/03 Foster
75 275 8 M WCBP 4/22/02 10/4/03 Puppet
79 379 5 M Portland 5/9/05 3/7/09 Parent
80 280 8 F WCBP 5/3/02 11/29/03 Parent '09: failed nest w/234M/4 in cave below Buddha Temple. '08: same story.
83 383 5 F WCBP 5/11/05 9/11/08 Foster
84 484 2 F SDWAP 5/2/08 3/7/10 Parent Newly released; doing well in wild.
86 486 2 M SDWAP 5/5/08 9/25/10 Parent
87 187 12 M WCBP 4/22/98 11/18/98
Hurricane Parent '10: missed breeding since mate 133F/33 treated for lead poisoning. '08: Sired 476M/H6 w/ 133F/33 in Redwall cave below Grandeur Pt. Former mate 136F (eggs '05 & '06) died May '07 likely of zinc. Brother 223M/3.
88 388 5 M WCBP 5/22/05 4/30/09 Puppet
89 389 5 F VC ?5/28/05 11/30/05 Wild 2nd VC chick: parents 114M/none & 126F/26. Tagged late March 2006.
92 392 5 M Salt Cr ?6/5/05 Dec 22 or 23 Wild 2nd Salt Creek chick: parents 123M/23 & 127F/27.
93 193 12 M WCBP 5/30/98 11/18/98
Hurricane Puppet '10 & '08: see 241F/41.
97 297 7 F WCBP 4/10/03 2/4/05 Puppet '10 & '09: unpaired. '08: courted by 122M/22, but no nest. (He paired w/ 210F/10 in '09 after her mate died.) Siblings 203M/03, 210F/10 & 243M/43.
99 299 7 M WCBP 4/17/03 3/20/04 Foster
SB# = Studbook number, sequential by hatch date. 114M/none means Male #114, no tag. LAZ = Los Angeles Zoo. SDWAP = San Diego Wild Animal Park. WCBP = Peregrine Fund's World Center for Birds of Prey in Boise, Idaho. Portland = Oregon Zoo in Portland, OR. VC = Vermilion Cliffs. Hurricane = Hurricane Cliffs, a briefly-used 2nd release site north of the western part of Grand Canyon. "Captured for behavior" in AZ has generally meant approaching people, but for some birds originally released in CA the issue was landing on power poles. AC-9 (father of 122M/22, grandfather of 350M/-0 and 342M/42) was the last wild condor caught Easter Sunday 1987, released back into the wild in CA on May 1, 2002.
Condors in the flight pen at Vermilion Cliffs, awaiting first release:
As of 12/17/10: 7 not-yet-released birds.
Tag# SB# Age
in '10 Sex Bred
At: Hatch
Date Released
/Fledged Rear
-ing Pairings and/or other info
H9 496 2 F Portland 6/3/08 Foster Not yet released
J6 516 1 F Portland 4/21/09 Parent Not yet released
J1 521 1 F WCBP 4/27/09 Foster Not yet released. Sired by Topatopa, then 43 years old. Mother Malibu, 24.
J3 523 1 M WCBP 5/2/09 Foster Not yet released
28 528 1 F Portland 5/9/09 Parent Not yet released
30 530 1 M LAZ 5/12/09 Foster Not yet released
J4 541 1 F WCBP 5/26/09 Parent Not yet released
Ive revised the condor chart due to some recent changes. Specifically:
Two new birds were released on November 26. Both are one-year-olds: male
520/J2 from the San Diego Wild Animal Park, and female 537/J7 from the Los
Angeles Zoo. Also, the four birds missing since last winter or spring have
been given up for dead. Those birds were 4-year-old females 404/E0, 414/E1
and 426/E6, and 3-year-old male 454/F4. All were captive-bred birds.
(See attached file: Condorchart Dec 17 2010.doc)
Population Numbers from the US Fish & Wildlife Service, as of November 30,
Total Population: 373
Captive (counting birds in temporary captivity): 176
Wild: 197
In California: 104
In Baja: 19
In AZ/UT: 74
Arizona condor news, from Eddie Feltes of The Peregrine Fund:
Eddie Feltes of The Peregrine Fund reports that condors are being trapped
in the baited release pen at Vermilion Cliffs, as they come down from the
high country when snow covers gut piles and carcasses. This trapping
occurs every year to test the birds for lead poisoning at the end of deer
and elk-hunting season. A number of the birds trapped thus far have shown
elevated lead levels and are being or have been treated by chelation (shots
of a calcium compound that binds and removes the lead, usually twice a day
for a week).
As the weather worsens, many condors are rediscovering the low,
south-facing cliffs and proffered carcasses around the Vermilion Cliffs
release site. Others are still finding food on the North Kaibab National
Forest, in the western portions of Grand Canyon, and in Utah. There have
also been a few recent condor sightings at the South Rim and in Zion
National Park. For those who really want to see a condor, in winter the
Navajo Bridge on route 89A is one of the more likely spots to search, being
low elevation and not far from the release site, and offering relatively
close-up views. Of course people should always stay at least 150 feet away
from condors, and report to The Peregrine Fund any condors that display a
lack of caution toward humans.
National news:
The New York Times published this editorial, called "Get the Lead Out of
Hunting," on December 15:
Until next time,
Ms. Marker Marshall
Park Ranger--Interpretation
Grand Canyon National Park
P.O. Box 129
Grand Canyon, AZ 86023
voice: (928) 638-7830
fax: (928) 638-7776
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