Fox Sparrow

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Fox Sparrow

Possible "Sooty"

To learn more click here

To learn more click here

Maps & ranges not to any scale nor are they absolute.


Marked on breast similar to a hermit Thrush. The rump, tail, & wings may be reddish. Feeds in very dense underbrush.

The image I have is not a very good one but will try to do better in the future.



Photographed at Boyce Thompson Southwestern Arboretum, Superior, Arizona 10/30/02


Same place, same area, same time of day, may even be the same bird for all I know.

OK, let's see the new photos.


Even a Sparrow needs a bath every now and then.







Hey Bud, don't ya think that's enough photos for a while?


As I have always said, you can't take enough photos of a bird.
I want to see what they look like from every angle.
It also helps in identifying the bird.



Along with the Sparrow was this beautiful Wood Thrush.


As I said at the top of the page "possible "Sooty"
Let's take a look at the other Fox Sparrow that was seen with the Sooty.

Sparrow index.

What's on the site page.

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