Vermilion Flycatcher
Vermilion's new nest.
Way to go guys.
More informatiion @
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As a matter of fact, we are building a new and more durable home.
Hopefully it won't be destroyed as the last one was.
Come'on I'll show you, it's just over here a bit.
Well, how do you like it?
Good foundation, nice sticks, & well put together don't ya think?
Fits just perfect.
Now down to business of raising a new family.
Sure wish my hubby would bring me a bite to eat, this nest build in tough.
Now where did she go?
Every time I get a nice big bug, she's no ware to be found,
ain't that just like a female?
I will try to keep getting photos of this pair and their family, if possible.
06/21/00 nest was destroyed by a violent storm that went through on 06/17/00
Back to the Flycatcher index. Links page.
The Vermilion Flycatchers are trying one more time to nest.
You may contact me at
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