grand canyon,grand canyon view points
Please bare in mind these images were taken with a digital camera only capable of producing a 500 KB Jpg picture.
The look out points at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon
Starting from the East most view points
When taking photos at an altitude at or over 6000 feet you should use a "UV" filter to take out the bluish cast that the Ultra produces.
As you can see I did not because they do not make on one for this inexpensive camera.
Desert View
At this point there are the following facilities.
Ranger station, rest rooms, picnic area, camp grounds, food service, gas station is closed from Oct. 24to. through the middle of May.
Well, we had better make this left turn and take a look at Desert View Point.
From the nice paved parking area it's only a short walk plus there are
benches (marked with X's) along the way if you feel the need to sit and rest for a spell.
Besides a Trading Post there is a General Store and nice rest rooms.
Always look in the trees as you walk by. There are many birds at the Grand Canyon
This is a Pygmy Nuthatch
On the side walk just out side the general store.
Hey; the granges all here.
One Red-breasted Nuthatch and friends.
Hey Bud what-cha lookin at?
Those bread crumbs sure look good down there.
Oh well, maybe another time, to many people around here now.
Male Western Bluebird
OK, on with the tour of the Desertview point.
AH yes this really looks interesting, an old tower.
They surely will have some information on this.
Yes, just as I thought, someone tell the photographer he's making a shadow on the picture.
Still to small to read the printing so I will show it closer.
I will show this painting in color when I get inside the tower.
Are you ready to enter the tower?
OK then let's do it.
AS you enter and off to the right is an Indian lady weaving rugs.
It said if I were to leave a donation I can take a photo, so I did both.
Almost forgot, I said I would show a color view of the painting that was on the placarded out side.
Just inside where the stair well starts.
Well now, just how do we get up the tower in order to look out?
Looking up from where you first enter the stair well.
You have to climb the stairs that go around the wall in a circular climb.
Well now that I recovered from that climb let's take a look down.
We're not completely on the top of the tower. They won't let you go there. However we are almost there the roof is only 10 feet above us now.
Other than a few windows to look of there are a few telescopes to view the canyon from.
Yep, there ain't no free looks here, you have insert a quarter to use the scopes.
I believe I will point my camera out one of those other windows.
Wow, that's 16+ images on this page, so, let make a new one, OK?
Continue on to the next segment of this point.
Desert View point - Navajo point - Lipan point - Tusayan Ruin & Museum - Moran point - Grandview point
Yaki point - Mather point - Yavapai point - Maracopa point - Powell point - Hopi point - Mohave point
Pima point - Hermits Rest point Windshield view points
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