grand canyon,grand canyon view points


Please bare in mind these images were taken with a digital camera only capable of producing a 500 KB Jpg picture.

The look out points at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon

When taking photos at an altitude at or over 6000 feet you should use a "UV" filter to take out the bluish cast that the Ultra produces.
As you can see I did not because they do not make on one for this inexpensive camera.

Mohave Point

Pronounced "Mo-havee - flaten that "A" out. Do not say the word Have












Next to Pima point

That's "PEA-MA"


Desert View point - Navajo point - Lipan point - Tusayan Ruin & Museum - Moran point - Grandview point
Yaki point - Mather point - Yavapai point - Maracopa point - Powell point - Hopi point - Mohave point
Pima point - Hermits Rest point Windshield view points


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