Arizona Wild Bird Photos



Up-date as of 06/28/04



5:30 am 06/28/2004 temperature 79 degrees slight breeze out of the south.

Average day time temp. is now approx. between 110 & 119 degrees.
I leave about 9:00 AM at which time it's 110 degrees.

Water consumption is about 75 gallons a week and that's mostly all consumed
by the wild life because I have cut the open water space down to approximately a 6 square inch opening.

The Bees drinking out number every thing else about several hundred to one.
In cleaning the drinking area out the Bees don't sting me,
they just buzz around a bit and go back to getting a drink.
Oh, if one gets under my collar or in my pant leg and if I put pressure on it, it stings.



Let's eat; ole Earle has brought us much goodies.

Every time I go out now, this is what I am greeted with.
What you can't see is, there are twice as many birds on the ground.


There really isn't much going on so I will have some fun by adding a few captions to the images.

That's a Curve-billed Thrasher talking just in case you didn't know it.


The Gila Woodpecker just doesn't know what to make of all of this commotion.



I can the water dripping but I can't seem to locate it.

This is the first time in 2 years I have seen a lone or single Quail out here.


Ole Earle is pretty good about hiding that water dripper.


I do believe I have found the dripping water.

Note the RED arrow pointing the water drip.


For some reason the birds just can not resist to drink from the dripping water supply.

Once again note the RED arrow pointing to the dripping water.

I have it set for about one drip every 2 seconds.

If you would care to figure it out, it takes 50 drips to make one once of water.
I start it dripping at 5:30 AM and turn it off at 9:00 AM.

Now, how much water am I using here?

E-mail me at:

About one gallon maybe????????


The Gilded Flicker is a smart bird.
It will not stay around as long as there is any commotion.


As you can see the Roadrunner is looking up at the birds on the feeder sizing up the situation,
it hasn't quite made up its mind if it wants to join in or catch one of those birds and eat it.

Look closely at the tail feathers and you will see a bit of green or blue/green towards the end.
I could see this but didn't think it would show in the photo.

By the way it did catch a Cowbird and ran off with it before I could snap a photo.


Note the Flycatcher is in very poor condition, it may be molting.

I believe it may be a Brown-crested Flycatcher.


Well that's about it for this trip to "No Where Desert Aeizona".
I will try to photograph more birds if they show up.


No where index page

What's on the site page. - Bird index page.