Crissal Thrasher

Bird song recording by;
Mr. Greg Clark of

The thrasher is singing in the back ground.

Crissal Thrasher
Toxostoma crissale

To learn more click here


Has a more severely curved bill than a Curved-billed or Bendire's Thrasher.
Also has a reddish brown patch under tail. Since this bird is a very shy bird you never
see the reddish patch under its tail. This is not a come out in the open areas to feed bird.
It normally hunts its food under brush.

Map and range not to any scale.




This nest was no more than 12 inches above the ground on the outer edge of a holy bush.
Inasmuch as I only obsevered the nest for no more than 10 to 15 minutes and never went back,
I don't know if the chicks survived or not. The location seem like easy pickins for a Coyote or snakes.


New images of a Crissal Thrasher feeding young.

Thrasher index page. Bird links page.

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