Crissal Thrasher

Bird song recording by;
Mr. Greg Clark of

Crissal Thrasher
Toxostoma crissale


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Has a more severely curved bill than a Curved-billed or Bendire's Thrasher.
Also has a reddish brown patch under tail. Since this bird is a very shy bird
you never see the reddish patch under its tail.
This is not a come out in the open areas to feed bird. It normally hunts its food under brush.

Map and range not to any scale.



You know, I could have sworn I had a nest of chicks around here some where.
Well, I guess I will just have to keep looking for it.


Oh, I do believe I see it up there. I knew if I looked long
enough I would surly find it. Like how could a mother bird ever forget where she built her nest?


See there I told you I had a nest here right close,
and here it is.


Well let's see which one I should feed next.


Mmmm good.


A very good way to identify me is my chestnut undertail coverts.


And then there is that undesireable job of nest duties.

Parent bird removing a fecal sac.

A small sac containg fecal material voided by nestlings,
chiefly among the songbirds, which is disposed of away from the nest by the parents.

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