tanager, flame tanager, tanager, flame tanager



Wilson's Warbler

Map not to any scale


Ever try to photograph a Warbler as it flits through a tree??

Try it some time, you soon find out just how good you really are at photography on the fly.


Not all the images are tact sharp because I could not focus as fast as the bird couild flit from branch to branch, nor could the auto focus. So, I just held down the shutter button and hope for the best or that I might get a few good ones.

OH, for got to say the bird was up very hing in this tree.
This is through a 500 mm lens with a 1.4 tele-conveter on it.

Also at this point you might be saying how do you know it's a Wilson's Warbler??
You'll see a bit later on.


YA, I know, it looks like the bird is looking at that little guy standing on the branch in
the upper right corner of this image :-))

Look hard now, it's there, you just have to use your imagination.


I have quite a few images so will put them in a table and you can click on the ones you may want to see.

Arrow is pointing to its Black Cap.



Other photos of the Wilson's


More Wilson's Warbler images

Want to know about the Kubo Lodge in Madera Canyon?

You may contact them at; Madera Kubo B&B

1259 S. Madera Canyon Rd

Madera Canyon, Arizona 35614

Phone 1-520-625-2908 or http://www.Maderakubo.com


What's on the site page.

Tanager index page. Bird links Page.

You may contact me at birdfotos@aol.com