Common Raven
Common Raven
Corvus corax
To learn more click here
Photos taken at the Grand Canyon.
Hey, I'll be right back so don't go away, OK?
OK, Im back so on with the show.
If you don't mind I'll just stand here and vew it.
Larger than a *Chihuahuan Raven. Also has thicker and more shaggier front throat feathers than the Chihuahuan Raven.
Likes mountains and cliffs. Length approx. 2 feet.
Loves to harass the Condors at the Canyon.
*Pronounced Cha-waa-wan I think?
All though all but this photo were taken at the Grand Canyon,
this one was taken at the News Paper Rock observation platform.
At the Petrified Forest, Arizona.
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Note tip of the bill how it hooks down for ripping food.
Many times that hooked tip is worn off.
I noticed when the bird turned its head real sharp you could get a better look at those large throat feathers.
Inasmuch as this Raven seem to be very friendly, I thought I would get a close up of its head.
Note the white ring around the birds eye.
It was very hard to hold my tele photo lens perfectly still,
so there is a little bit of camera movement in this image.
But, at least you can now see that white ring around the birds eye is actually a ring of feathers.
Just wanted to show a front view.
Always look up, they love to perch in the tops of bare limbed trees.
Also note how it's perched, on 2 limbs with a foot on each one.
The Raven looked so nice framed in the pines I just had to take its photo.
You see I really was at the canyon.
It is very hard to photograph any thing on the edge of the canyon
and allow the canyon to show in the back ground.
An experiment in how to get good feather images in an all black bird and still keep the back ground.
That's about enough images on this page.
Here are a few fun Raven images.
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