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Pacific Loon
Gavia pacifica
For more information
Approximately two feet long, a very narrow bird.
Almost impossible to tell from the Arctic Loon. Also note the black cap extends down into the eye.
All photos taken on November 22, & 23, 2002.
Map and range not to any scale.
Map showing where bird was photographed.
Sorry the word Havasu should not have an E on the end of the word.
London Bridge in Lake Havasu City, Arizona.
Want to tour the London Bridge City?
You'll have to find your own way back to here if you go.
I put a link there but don't know if it will work.
Almost all of the photos were taken of the bird in the two places the white X's are shown.
I know, after you see the images, you are going ask, how did I get so or such close photos?
Simple, I rented a paddle boat and floated a few yards from the bird as it moved around the lake.
The awing on the paddle boat acted as a blind and many times I got within 4 to 5 feet of the Loon.
I will be referring to SHAD this is a very small fish that run in schools of
100's or maybe even 1000's in the river and this Loon loves to feed on them.
I could have taken a 100 photos because the bird just sat there floating on the water as if I was not even there.
In this and other photos where you can see under the water please note how the legs and feet are located far back on the birds under side.
Where's the shad?
The Loon would continuously put its head under the water.
I would guess it was looing for schools of shad.
Many times I could see it chasing them under the water.
Note the location of the feet and legs.
I'll just move on, maybe I can find some shad over here?
I know your down there some where.
OH WELL, they'll show up sooner or later, I'll just swim around for a while.
OK, I'll give it more shot and if I don't see anything I'll just have to move on to a different park of the lake.
Some days a feller just can't win.
It's been nice visitin with ya, perhaps I'll see ya again some day, BYE!
I have a few 4" by 6" post cards of this bird. These are frameable images and do not have to be used as post cards.
You must buy 2 of the same image and they are $2.00 each plus $1.00 shipping & handling up to 10 cards in the United States.
Each photograph is scanned & cropped on my HP ScanJet 6100C scanner in TIF format and then printed one sheet at a time on my
Canon S820 six color cartridge color printer.
2 animated photos for you to look at on the next page.
But in the mean time look at these photos.
You may contact me at