This web site contains photos of the following.Birds,arizona birds,wild birds of arizona,Hummingbirds, Arizona desert life,flowers plants,trees,cactus,blooms,cicada,locust,frogs,tortoise,snakes,moths, butterflies,wolf,lizard,peccary,javelina,coyote,dinosaur insects,fox,grasshopper,hawks,larks,sparrow,warblers,jays,tanager,wrens,robins,grosbeak,hummingbirds,woodpeckers,verdins,phainopepla,blackbird, bunting,ducks,finch,doves,flycatchers,gnatcatchers,kinglet,oriole,owl,pyrrhuloxia,quail,rail,sniperoadrunner,thrasher,thrush,titmouse,towhee,trogon,vireo,vultures and much more,museum,water,aeizona desert,deserts,mountains,
Driving the Highways & Byways
of Arizona with Earle Robinson as he searches for Arizona Wild Life
Boyce Thompson Southwestern Arboretum
37615 Hwy. 60, Superior, Arizona 85273-5100
Phone. 520-689-2811
Here you'll discover the intricate beauty and many faces of Arizona's oldest botanical garden.
See desert plants from all over the world, towering trees, captivating cacti, sheer mountain cliffs,
a streamside forest, panoramic vistas, many natural habitats with varied wildlife,
a desert lake, miles of easy nature trails, a hide canyon, specialty gardens of herbs, desert legumes and more.
Founded in 1924 by mining magnate William Boyce Thompson,
this unique 300 acre mosaic of gardens and natural areas is both a
National Historic district and an Arizona State Park.
Well, as I said earlier, it does look like rain, so we had better get started on our tour.
I have to drive there from Phoenix so these are the views I get to see on my way there.
Highway 60 headed in a north easterly direction.
The two photos above are looking out my side window,
Oh,,, yes I was stopped.
I don't drive & take photos at the same time.
When you see this mountain you know you are almost there, it's just behind this mountain.
Behind this mountain and down the next hill you will come to this sign on the south side of the highway.
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You are there.
There is an extra tuning lane so you can turn off the main highway in order that you might turn into the park.
PS: you can see the highway is wet, but it will not discourage me from taking you on into the park.
Besides, your more than likely sitting in your nice comfortable home at the computer.
After a small pittance of a fee at the main gate you will be in their large parking lot.
You won't miss the entrance, but you may have difficulty dragging your self away
from all of the plants that are 4 sale out in front as you walk in.
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You could spend a day looking at all of these plants and flowers.
There must be close to a 1000 of them for you to look at.
I just knew it would clear off, see how nice the sky looks.
Well, we had better go in, there's a whole lot-a-looking to be done inside.