This web site contains photos of the following.Birds,arizona birds,wild birds of arizona,Hummingbirds, Arizona desert life,flowers plants,trees,cactus,blooms,cicada,locust,frogs,tortoise,snakes,moths, butterflies,wolf,lizard,peccary,javelina,coyote,dinosaur insects,fox,grasshopper,hawks,larks,sparrow,warblers,jays,tanager,wrens,robins,grosbeak,hummingbirds,woodpeckers,verdins,phainopepla,blackbird, bunting,ducks,finch,doves,flycatchers,gnatcatchers,kinglet,oriole,owl,pyrrhuloxia,quail,rail,sniperoadrunner,thrasher,thrush,titmouse,towhee,trogon,vireo,vultures and much more,museum,water,aeizona desert,deserts,mountains,
Boyce Thompson Southwestern Arboretum
37615 Hwy. 60, Superior, Arizona 85273-5100
Phone. 520-689-2811
Here you'll discover the intricate beauty and many faces of Arizona's oldest botanical garden.
See desert plants from all over the world, towering trees, captivating cacti, sheer mountain cliffs,
a streamside forest, panoramic vistas, many natural habitats with varied wildlife,
a desert lake, miles of easy nature trails, a hide canyon, specialty gardens of herbs, desert legumes and more.
Founded in 1924 by mining magnate William Boyce Thompson,
this unique 300 acre mosaic of gardens and natural areas is both a
National Historic district and an Arizona State Park.
As we start down the main path into the park/garden and depending the time of year it is,
there will be many flowers along each side.
It has taken over a year to collect these photos so, you will see various times of the year in the following photos.
Next stop the Butterfly Garden.
Besides the map below there will always be arrowed directions telling you what's ahead or left or right.
This will be the first point of decision making you may have to do.
To help you decide which way to go first there are maps of the park every where along each trail or pathway.
This is an example of what you will see.
There will always be an ARROW pointing to where you are in the garden when looking at any of the park maps.
You will never be lost, or, I should have said, you will always know
just where you are in the park in reference to where you came in or the main entrance.
Gee, which way should I go first. Yes there are many pathways each enticing you to try it first.