A Mexican Amberwing [ Perithemis domita ] is said to be the smallest Dragonfly in the world.
Only the male has entirly amber wings, the female's wings are clear except for two spots or bands across each wing.
These Dragonflies can found in early summer.
The above is not true!
This photo is larger than the life size of the Dragonfly by about twice.
Photographed in Yuma, Arizona. 04/09/03 while on tour during their birding festival.
OK now I have just been informed that the ID on this critter is not correct. So, let's get it corrected now.
Your Mexican Amberwing is actually Perithemis intensa, and it's the *largest* species of its genus.
Amberwings are small, but they are giants compared with the actual smallest dragonfly (see
Dragonfly index - what's on the site page
Identifications and information is through the kindness of;
Dennis Paulson, Director phone 253-879-3798
Slater Museum of Natural History fax 253-879-3352
University of Puget Sound e-mail
1500 N. Warner, #1088
Tacoma, WA 98416-1088