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Arizona Wild Bird Photos
Is now -

Saguaros Continued.

It's mid May now and the Saguaros are in full bloom.


Along about the last of April you can start to see the flower buds coming out on the ends of the cactus arms, or if no arms, on the very top of the cactus. Arrows pointing to the buds. In the top left part of this photo you can see 3 buds together in various stages of growth.

Of course you don't expect the flowers to be down close to the ground so you see them, do you? Better take some field glasses with you if go looking for Saguaro blooms, because for the most part, they are up very high.


Your looking at over 100 blooms and buds getting ready to bloom. The most blooms that I have seen on a Saguaro is 293. Even though you see these blooms very good, they are over 40 feet above the ground.


We are really in luck today. I have just found, out in front of the visitors center at the Saguaro Nation Park north west of Tucson, Arizona a disfigured Saguaro arm. The end of this arm is only 4 feet off the ground, what a find.
Number 1 arrows are pointing to unopened flower blooms.
Number 2 arrow is pointing to a bloom that is not quite open.
Number 3 arrow is pointing to a bloom that is completely done, or spent, or over with.

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