Bewick's Wren

Pronounce it like the car's name.

Wren singing in the back ground by Mr. Greg Clark of


Approximately 5 1/2 inches long. Note the white eye brow.
Eats insects and meal worms :-)). Almost always has tail cocked up.


To learn more click here


Photos taken 01/01/06 Phoenix Desert Botanical Garden.

While attempting to photograph a rare migrating Ovenbird sited in the Garden, this wren
kept posing for me so I took a few images and here they are.


9 large photos, please wait for them all to load, thanks.

Some times it would get so close to my camera I could not get a photo.



I wonder just how did a Meal worm get under one O' them thar leaves :-)).


Come on ole Earle throw me another meal worm please.


Maybe if I get up high enough I can see another meally :-)).


I think it was more fasinated by my camera than I was by taking the photos.



The chicken wire was around a plant that the garden care takers didn't want the rabbits to eat and the wren
posed on it for over 5 minutes.


I could go on and on with these photos. I just could not stop taking photos of this cute bird.


Bird selection Page.

What's on the site page.

Wren index.

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