Map & range not to any scale.



This Turkey which I believe is a young or fist year bird came to Marion Paton's
back every morning during January, 2002 for breakfast.
It ran off the wild deer that would come to eat along side of it. However it did not
seem to be afraid of people as long as you did not get to close or make any quick movements.
Approximately 30 bird watchers came there that morning and all thought it was a hen.
It is to colorful to be a hen yet I do believe it is.


I see you there behind that tree taking my picture.


Don't-ya think your a bit to close?


OK, you want to get a good look, hear's a profile shot.


Here is what I look like from the front.

What a silly bird.


OK. that's enough.


I'm leaving if your going to take many more pictures.

About 9 AM the bird would leave, cross the creek into the timber and would show up again until the next morning.


Here are a couple of images I photographed while looking for the Elegant Trogon
in Garden Canyon at Fort Huachuca, Sierra Vista, Arizona



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