Bridled Titmouse
Bridled Titmouse
Parus wollweberi
To learn more click here
A very colorful bird even though it is only black, white & gray.
More than likely named because of its face markings.
Looks similar to a bridle you would put on a horse.
Moves around very quickly, never staying in place more than a few seconds if that.
Will come to bird feeders. It also will feed on tree branches looking for insects & insect eggs or larvae.
Map and range not to any scale.
This is a rare capture photo, why,
because they don't normally stand still long enough to photograph.
I als found they love peanut butter
As I have said many times on this web site.
If you are going to photograph birds always try to get as many angles
or views as possible. I really like these straight on views.
It also shows you that the bird really can look straight forward.
A few new images as of 10/19/05
Titmouse index page. Bird links page.
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