Juniper Titmouse

Juniper Titmouse



This next was virually impossible to get a photo of, I got one poor one and it flew off.

Inasmuch as it was at the canyon it almost has to be a Juniper Titmouse.

I'll tell ya photographing birds by sticking your camera through the branches of a tree in not a good way to have to take pictures.


So, I think I will drive back to Hopi point and try my bare branch one more time.

The Ravens have decided to take over the branch.

A typical Raven with its beak open and makeing much noise.


In the Northern part of Arizona we have the Common Raven and in the Southern half of the state we have the Chihuahuan Raven which is a smaller Raven than the Common Raven.

But unless you knew just what to look for in these two bird it would most difficult for the average birder to tell the difference.


The Ravens have many different songs they can sing.


I only saw these 2 Western Scrub Jays while at the canyon, normally there hundreds.

The red arrow is pointing to another Jay that may be its chick.


You can easily see this is a young bird by the yellow at the base of its bill.


On my way to load up for home I spotted some young sparrows in a tree being feed buy their parents.


Once again their bill are yellow showing they are young birds.

I am quite sure are just common every day House Sparrows but, they're still cute.

Well, that 15 days sure went by in a hurry, I sure hope you have enjoyed this visit to the Grand Canyon as much as I have putting it together for all to view.


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