Hermit Thrush


Hermit Thrush
Catharus guttatus

To learn more clickhere http://www.birds.cornell.edu/AllAboutBirds/BirdGuide/Hermit_Thrush.html

Please wait for the Hermit's song to load
Many thanks to Mr. Greg Clark ( http://mirror-pole.com ) for letting me put it on my web site.

Map and ranges may not be exact or to scale.



Thrushes are for the most part shy and there fore hard to get a photo of the bird.
Note the spotted breast.
Note the whitish eye ring.
I have only seen them in dense woodland thickets.




Photos taken while at Madera Canyon 04/2006

New images as of 11/02

Bird links page. Thrush Index page.

What's on the site page.

You may contact me at birdfotos@aol.com