Greater Roadrunner
Greater Roadrunner
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Staying in my car along side the road I watched the Roadrunner as it
started bush hopping branch to branch.
Looking from side to side making sure there was no danger lurking near by
the Roadrunner made its way through the branches. Inasmuch as Roadrunners
are normally a ground bird I figured it was on its way back to a nest
hidden some where in one of these cactuses or tree limbs.
I knew if I waited long enough it would lead me to its nest.
Can you see the Roadrunner?
Even from this angle the bird is hard to see.
Waiting until the bird left the nest area I took a quick look at the nest.
Ten eggs. Every Roadrunner nest I ever found has had 10 eggs in it.
I will not come back to this nest for a week or so, hopping the eggs will hatched when I return.
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