Western Kingbird
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Western Kingbird recording by
Mr. Greg Clark http://mirror-pole.com
Western Kingbird
Western Kingbird
Tyrannus verticalis
Map and range not to any scale.
The above map only shows Summer and breeding range.
Winters in S. Mexico and S.W. Costa Rica.
We will eventually get to the chicks some 8 days later, buy first let tell you,
or show some interesting things I found out about these 2 birds.
![]() Photo copy righted & courtesy of Robert Blood. Arizona. |
Take a very close look at these two images.
Do you see any thing that you may have possibly over looked
in the past about the Western Kingbird?
One of the nice things about photographing birds with an extreme telephoto
lens is, you many times get to notice things you have over look in the
past simply by just viewing the birds through a pair of binoculars.
Check out that Upper Mandible [ Arrow ]
And here all of the time I thought the bird was sticking its tongue out like
I have seen so many Hummingbirds do in my photos.
Male and female??
Kingbird index page. Home page. Links page.
You may contact me at birdfotos@aol.com
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