Arivaca Lake 1998
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Jacana's have very long legs and toes. This is so they can walk on the tops of the marsh plants whose leaves are on the top of the water. Voice is, very loud squeaky clicks. Found mostly on or in fresh water marshes, lake edges with grassy and or floating plants. I noticed when this one walked it took very high and some what jerky steps. In watching this bird feed I noticed it was eating the bugs off of the plant stems. Occasionally it would grab a very small fish or some thing from the water. Northern Jacanas are not normally found in Arizona. They are native to Mexico, the coastal areas of southern Mexico.
Just so you will get some idea of just far from home this Jacana is, I have drawn/altered/photographed a map showing its normal residence or area where it lives when not vacationing in Arizona.
Remember now, no right clicking.
This is not a Northern Jacana
A good bird for you to identify on your own.
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