Great Blue Heron
Great Blue Heron
April 19, 2003
The chicks are now one week older than the first images you saw.
Unless other wise stated all of these images are of nest number 3
Here he comes with din-din, I can see him on the horizon now.
I will call one of the parents by gender every now and again but I really do
not know which is which, so, I do it just so I can make comments as go.
Like I have said earlier, this is just a fun place to show off my bird photos,
so I like to make up a story as I put the photos on line.
See, I told you he was bringing food.
Settle down now pops, this nest ain't big enough for a lot of wing flapping.
Now that's more it. OK let's have the fish.
I SAID; I am ready to be fed.
We can't wait much longer, what's it going to take to make you cough up a fish or two?
Well, I guess there's only one way to get those fish you have in your gullet**.
The chicks would always grab the incoming parent's bill and pull it down into the nest to encourage the parent bird to regurgitate the food it was bringing to the nest. It would then almost every time regurgitate into the bottom of the nest and the chicks would peck it up from there, However there were times when the parent would put the food directly into the open bills of the chicks.
** gullet may or may not have been the right word to use.
Sock it to me daddy-O those fish sure are good eaten.
As you can see this is one of the times the parent bird regurgitated directly into the chicks open bill.
AAW come on now ole DAD would ya give a youngster one more fish??
I'm out'a here, feeding these guys is a lot of work.
OK, want to see more photos of the "GB' Heron family.
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