
Crested Caracara

Bird recording on this page by Mr. Greg Clark

Along with the Caracara there is a Mocking bird chirping in the background

Before we get started with these images,
I would like to pass on some advise to those of you who would like to attempt to photograph the Caracara.

Unless you can become invisible & have more patience than a stone, don't.

To learn more click here;


Crested Caracara keeping watch over the nesting area.


Just wanted you to see a side view.


As you can see there are two nest in this cactus.
The Caracara was using the one in the lower left side of the cactus.


This is a little better view.
The Caracara is using the one on the left.


In this close up view of the nest, you can see that the twigs
are much finer than many other large bird nest, such as the Harris' & Red-tailed hawks.


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