In Arizona? In the wild?
As a matter of fact, YES. Photographed in or near the Portal, AZ. area, while looking for the Yellow Grosbeak & other birds. I photographed these quite by chance. While scanning with my camera, I noticed some thing move with my eye that was not looking through the camera eye piece. Quickly moving the camera to the place where the movement was and depressing my shutter release button at the same time I came up with these photos. For over a year they just sat in a pile of photos I call no ID. One day a fellow from the U of A came in looking for a few images. When he had finished I ask him to take a look at the no ID pile. Upon seeing the Bobwhite images he ask where in the world did you photograph these guys. After a brief conversation, he said, Give these to Wayne Shefflett at the Buenos Aires Wild Life Refuge and tell him where you took them.
I believe it was May 1995.
Red arrow and X indicates the place where the photo was taken.