American Avocet
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Page put on 04/05/00
Up dated 08/06/00
Winter plumage |
Photographed in Yuma, Arizona 01/15/99 Common in shallow ponds and marshes. Feeds by sweeping there bills from side to side in the water. Males bill is longer & straighter than the females bill. Most common call is a loud "Wheet" Avocet's legs are very long and their toes are slightly webbed. Mostly feeding on mussels, crustaceans, insects & less often on fish, reptiles & vegetable matter. They use a sideways sweeping movement of the bill, skimming the surface of the water. The eggs are incubated by both parents, and the young are attended by both parents. There normally 4 eggs. Recurvirostridea Avocet Family 6 species. |
Summer plumage |
Summer plumage |
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