Take plenty of drinking water with you and snacks.
There is gas and food in Tuba City some 10 to 12 miles east on 160.
After you pass the Cameron turn off to the Grand Canyon, the
Tuba City turn off will be approximately 15 to 17 miles north on 89.
Just as you get to the intersection to state route 160 to the east to Tuba City,
you should see a very small wooden sign that says
Dinosaur Tracks, with an arrow pointing to the east.
Even if you don't see the sign turn east onto state route 160 to Tuba City.
In about 3 - 4 miles there is another wooden sign on the
South side of the road with an arrow pointing North and saying, Dinosaur tracks.
At this point turn off the road to the North.
On your left you will see several make shift tent like stands
with Indians selling their wares. Also there will be a few
Indians there who will show you the tracks.
The tracks are only a few yards off of the road and very easy to get to and see.