Condors,condor,california condor,condors
November 23, 2004
Went back to the canyon to try to get a few more images of the condor chick before it fledges.
I am getting this on rather late because I didn't get my film back before taking another bird photoing trip.
There will only be one image here and it will consist of 13, 12. or 10 images in an animation type image.
It may take some time to load.
One of the parent birds is already in the cave entrance feeding its young and in flies the other parent to feed their young. With all of the bad weather the parents have not been able to perform regular feeding periods to their young.
The Condor chick fledged on November 25, 2004 however I was not there to try and get any photos.
In these photos I was not using the mirror telescope but rather a 600 mm lens with two 2X and a 1.4X teleconverters on it. I believe that is equal to 3,360 mm lens, the film was Fuji Supia ISO 1600. I light loss was so great I could barely focus the lens. However I was able to keep the shutter speed at 1/250 of a second.
Animation by my son Stanley Robinson
Well, here goes, please allow time for it to load.
It may be a bit jumpy because they are individual photos put together at a set time interval.
It is extremely difficult to see the parent Condor flying into the cave entrance area and then get photos of same.
You might say I did the best I could with what I had to work with and where I was photographing the cave entrance.