This web site contains photos of the following.Birds,arizona birds,wild birds of arizona,Hummingbirds, Arizona desert life,flowers plants,trees,cactus,blooms,cicada,locust,frogs,tortoise,snakes,moths, butterflies,wolf,lizard,peccary,javelina,coyote,dinosaur insects,fox,grasshopper,hawks,larks,sparrow, warblers,jays,tanager,wrens,robins,grosbeak,hummingbirds,woodpeckers,verdins,phainopepla,blackbird, bunting,ducks,finch,doves,flycatchers,gnatcatchers,kinglet,oriole,owl,pyrrhuloxia,quail,rail,snipe roadrunner,thrasher,thrush,titmouse,towhee,trogon,vireo,vultures and much more,museum,water,Arizona desert,deserts,mountains,
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Regulus calendula
Map and range not to any scale. Range may not be absolute.
One of the most difficult birds to photograph because it never is in one place
more a second or two.
Feeds on the outer edges of the branches hovering as it
picks bugs, insects from the leaves and twigs.
The one place the bird does stand still long enough to take its photos is,
when it is getting a drink of sap from the holes Sapsuckers make in tree bark.
Photo of male with red spot showing at the bottom.
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I didn't say it was totally impossible to photograph a
Ruby-crowned Kinglet on a tree branch, but if you do, consider your self lucky.
I have saved the best for last.
For years, many years I have searched for a male with his red spot showing with no luck.
In fact I had given up ever photographing one many years ago.
Sitting in the sun one morning at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon watching a flock of Western Bluebirds I was total shocked. In fact I so shocked I almost did not get this photo. The bird jumped out right in front of me. At first it was to close to photograph, but then it flew into plant I photographed in and I snapped the camera shutter never expecting to get a good image because you know how fast these guys flit from one spot to another.
Kinglet index page. Bird links page.
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This web site contains photos of the following.Birds,arizona birds,wild birds of arizona,Hummingbirds, Arizona desert life,flowers plants,trees,cactus,blooms,cicada,locust,frogs,tortoise,snakes,moths, butterflies,wolf,lizard,peccary,javelina,coyote,dinosaur insects,fox,grasshopper,hawks,larks,sparrow, warblers,jays,tanager,wrens,robins,grosbeak,hummingbirds,woodpeckers,verdins,phainopepla,blackbird, bunting,ducks,finch,doves,flycatchers,gnatcatchers,kinglet,oriole,owl,pyrrhuloxia,quail,rail,snipe roadrunner,thrasher,thrush,titmouse,towhee,trogon,vireo,vultures and much more,museum,water,Arizona desert,deserts,mountains,