Black-tailed Gnatcatcher
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher
recording by Mr. Greg Clark
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher
Polioptila malanura
Map and range not to any scale.
For more information on tis bird click here
I find the most distinctive difference between the Blue-gray and the Black-tailed Gnatcatchers is, that the Black-tailed has a white cheek patch under its eyes and the Blue-gray does not. Both birds do have outer white tail feathers. Whereas the Blue-gray does not seem to have this predominate white cheek patch, nor the black head/crown. As in the Black-caped Gnatcatcher there isn't that predominate white cheek patch. Plus it has a longer bill, however you may not detect this in the wild not seeing both birds together at the same time.
It seems like in order to be able to identify these birds in the wild, and seeing them not together, it requires a photographic memory.
I have the photographic memory, however, most of the time I am out of film.
In this image I have pointed out the white cheek patch.
To view the bird without the arrow here is the same image.
Sorry I don't have more images of this bird to show. It doesn't stand still
long enough to get a good shot as is. I was lucky to get this one.
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