This web site contains photos of the following.Birds,arizona birds,wild birds of arizona,Hummingbirds, Arizona desert life,flowers plants,trees,cactus,blooms,cicada,locust,frogs,tortoise,snakes,moths, butterflies,wolf,lizard,peccary,javelina,coyote,dinosaur insects,fox,grasshopper,hawks,larks,sparrow,warblers,jays,tanager,wrens,robins,grosbeak,hummingbirds,woodpeckers,verdins,phainopepla,blackbird, bunting,ducks,finch,doves,flycatchers,gnatcatchers,kinglet,oriole,owl,pyrrhuloxia,quail,rail,sniperoadrunner,thrasher,thrush,titmouse,towhee,trogon,vireo,vultures and much more,museum,water,aeizona desert,deserts,mountains,
Arizona Desert Life & Arizona Wild Bird
The yellow flowers center are Mexican Gold Poppies.
The tall cactus your looking at are Saguaros. #1
The one on the left with one arm is over 50 feet tall. #1
#2 The smaller cactus center foreground, center,
& back ground center right are Chain Fruit Cholla.
That is pronounced "Choy-ya"
#3 Is an Organ Pipe Cactus.
#4 Is an Ocotillo Cactus. Pronounced "Oct-o-tee-o"