Arizona Wild Bird Photos


Up-date as of 08/10/03


The heat just keeps going up & up & up

I took water out this A M.

At 8:00 AM the temp. had already reached 112 degrees.

After dumping the water and putting out some oranges and seed plus trying to rake up the site a bit the temp. was at 117 degrees. I called back home and was told it was 116 degrees in Phoenix. Soaking a beach towel in water and putting it over my head I finished sprucing the site up and doing some maintenance on my blind I headed for home. Walking past the thermometer I was almost afraid to look at it.

At 1:45 P.M. it was 123 degrees.

I'm outa here.

It was to hot to take any photos.
All I did was clean up and drink a couple of gallons of fluids.

I'll post again when it cools off.

To August 25 up-date and photos.