What is it?
New as of 09/29/06
x-DSC_01490001.JPG We have an ID 10/31/06 - Young female Yarrows or Mountain Spiny Lizard (Sceioporus jarrovi)
x-DSC_01500001.JPG We have an ID 10/31/06 - Young female Yarrows or Mountain Spiny Lizard (Sceioporus jarrovi)
We have an ID 10/31/06 - Young female Yarrows or Mountain Spiny Lizard (Sceioporus jarrovi)
blue-bellied-lizard.jpg We have an ID 10/31/06 - male Greater Earless Lizard (Cophosaurus)
blue-bellied-lizard2.jpg - We have an ID 10/31/06 - male Greater Earless Lizard (Cophosaurus)
blue-bellied-lizard3.jpg - We have an ID 10/31/06 - male Greater Earless Lizard (Cophosaurus)
tree_1DSC_00510001.jpg - We have an ID 10/31/06 - Common Tree Lizard (Urosaurs ornatus)
blue-belly1DSC_00440001.jpg We have an ID 10/31/06 - Common Tree Lizard (Urosaurs ornatus)
blue-belly2DSC_00460001.jpg We have an ID 10/31/06 - Common Tree Lizard (Urosaurs ornatus)
new image as of 05/18/06
what-is-it1.jpg Male Desert Spiny (Sceloporus ornatus)
what-is-it2.jpg We have an ID 10/31/06 - Clark's Spiny Lizard (Sceloporus clarki)
what-is-it3.jpg We have an ID 10/31/06 - Common Tree Lizard (Urosaurs ornatus)
what-is-it4.jpg We have an ID 10/31/06 - Common Tree Lizard (Urosaurs ornatus)
what-is-it5.jpg We have an ID 10/31/06 - Common Tree Lizard (Urosaurs ornatus)
what-is-it6.jpg We have an ID 10/31/06 - Common Tree Lizard (Urosaurs ornatus)