Arizona Wild Bird Photography's Recommended places to stay while birding.

Mission Inn

3460 E. Fry Blvd.

Sierra Vista, Arizona 85635

Ph: 520-458-8500 - Res. Ph: 1-877-722-8376 - Fax: 1-520-722-8376

Here are a few views of the Mission Inn Motel in Sierra Vista

Tell'em you saw it on the Internet.



Note how clean and well kept this motel is even on the out side.


The lighting in my photography was not the best. I used a simple digital cam.


Note the TV, the Refrig., and Micro wave.


Looking onto the first half of the bath room.
On the left, hair dryer, coffee maker with all of the trimmings.


Shampoo, body lotion and plenty of soap.



This was a hearing impaired room. The lights signaled, phone ringing, door bell ringing, fire.


I could stand in the middle of this bath room and hold my arms and not touch any thing.
It looks small but it is not. Also note all of the PLUSH towels & wash cloths.


In the lobby in the morning a free breakfast.

Here's the part I really liked. ON your right in the fore ground is a
drink dispensing machine with many types of drinks. Orange, and much more.

Beyond that is hot & cold cereal, Milk, rolls & donuts, and candy bars, and I know I have missed much.


Adjacent to the food bar is this very nice lounge.


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