California Condors
If you should see a condor that looks like this, it's because it has just pigged out on *carrion* of some kind.
You see condors don't have to eat every day, I think they can go many days without eating so they really tank up when ever they get a chance to eat.
*Dead and putrefying flesh, like a dead animal carcass.
This also is why they don't have feathers on their neck or head.
#22 is a male condor hatched May 17, 1995.
#22 is the father of the newest hatched in the canyon condor chick which will be number 350 when caught and tagged.
Condors #7 and #19.
Number 19 is the oldest of the Grand Canyon Condors and she is the mother
of the newest hatched in the canyon condor chick that will be tagged number 350.
#7 is a male hatched April 28, 2000.
Here is mom and pop condors together with #350 their newly fledged* chick.
* Fledged Thanksgiving day 2004. Probably hatched in May 2004.