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Just how BIG is this
Grand Canyon National Park?

Well, let's see if we can crunch some numbers together for you.

As seen from the air it just might look this.


Just looking into the canyon it is very difficult to judge the width or length.



Above is the state of Arizona.
The red oval is the area of the Grand Canyon National Park.
The park includes just over 1,000,000 acres. That's one million acres.
To be more exact I believe it is 1,218,375.54 acres.
And that's 1,904 ( one thousand nine hundred & 4 ) square miles.
For those of you who speak metric, it's 4,931 square Kilometers.


Some use the river to measure the length of the canyon, if so, the canyon is 277 miles long.
The total length of the Colorado river is 1,450 mile long.

From the South rim by the Bright Angle lodge the walk to the bottom is approximately 7 miles.


There are approximately 5 million visitors a year that come to view the canyon.


Also there is much wild life that make their home in the canyon and the park.
